112 yogas of delight and wonder

The text in manuscript looks something like this

Verse 15 aged

Two Versions of Vijnanabhairava in Transliteration

Here are two versions of the Sanskrit text in Roman letters. The first one is in the academic-standard transliteration, with the Roman lettering augmented by diacritical marks. Both may have errors, if you spot them let me know.

antaḥsvānubhavānandā vikalponmuktagocarā |
yāvasthā bharitākārā bhairavī bhairavātmanaḥ || 15 ||

VBT transliteration

And here is a very rough “phonetic” spelling in which the long a’s are indicated by aa. Also, by bribing Panini with cases of Soma, I have gotten permission to dissolve the Sandhi, the word blending, so that the individual words - that is, the components of the long compounds, are visible. There is, by the way, a completely different effect when chanting. The long compound words, once you get to know them, are fun and quietly thrilling. But they are also in a hurry. They were designed for chanters to be able to race through a text. Dissolving the compounds and pronouncing each word separately is as different as different styles of music, say, harpsichord music from a string quartet.

antah sva anubhava aanandaa vi-kalpah un-muktah gocharaa
yaa ava sthaa bharita akaaraa bhairavee bhairava aatmanah 15

VBT phonetic

Corrections and suggestions welcome. The phonetic version has many errors as I experiment with various ways of making the text less odious to read for people who do not like diacriticals.

A simple word count on the text with diacriticals gives 2392 discrete “words.” But if you delete the | marks, there are only 1901 words; if you subtract the verse numbers, you get 1740 words. Many of these are long compounds, such as dhāmāntaḥkṣobhasambhūtasūkṣmāgnitilakākṛtim. If you undo some of the Sandhi and separate the words, the word count increases, about 3000 words. My aim is to eventually have each word linked to the Monier-Williams online, and then in addition, have an audio file of a female voice and a male voice speaking each word and verse. The full definitions of the Sanskrit words are rich, complex, and poetic.

My spelling in the glossary index is inconsistent, so you will have to look at both the diacritical version and the phonetic version to find the entry.