Yukti - Practice, union
In the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, yukti has a special meaning in addition to the vast meaning described in the MW.
Yukti is a term which, in these works, means a number of things including ‘reason,’ expedient, means, and in a more technical sense, a knowledge of the means to self-realization. Thus the Vijnanabhairava teaches 112 such means. Ksemaraja explains that ‘the word yukti indicates there (in the Vijnanabhairava) the knowledge of the 112 planes of yoga (taught therein).’ S.Su.vi., p.121.
Mark S. G. Dyczkowski
yukti f. union , junction , connection , combination
preparation , going to , making ready for (loc. or comp.)
application , practice , usage
trick , contrivance , means , expedient , artifice , cunning device , magic (yuktiṁ- √kṛ , to find out or employ an expedient ; yukti ibc. ; °tyā ind.,°tibhis ind. ,and °ti-tas ind. by device or stratagem , artfully , skilfully , under pretext or pretence ; yuktyā &c ifc. = by means of)
reasoning , argument , proof , influence , induction , deduction from circumstances(-tas, , by means of an argument)
reason , ground , motive
suitableness , adaptedness , fitness , propriety , correctness MBh. Ka1v. &c (yuktyā and °ti-tas , properly , suitably , fitly , justly , duly)
meditation on the supreme being , contemplation , union with the universal spirit
(in law) enumeration of circumstances , specification of place and time
(in rhet.) emblematic or mystical expression of purpose
(in dram.) connection of the events in a plot , concatenation of incidents , intelligent weighing of the circumstances
(in astron.) conjunction Jyot.
(in gram.) connection of words , a sentence
connection of letters.
supplying an ellipsis
mixture or alloying of metals.
sum , total
(H2) | yukti [p= 853,3] [L=171795]f. |
[p= | 853,3] [L=171796]preparation , going to , making ready for ( |
[p= | 853,3] [L=171797]application , practice , usage |
[p= | 853,3] [L=171798]trick , contrivance , means , expedient , artifice , cunning device , magic |
[p= | 853,3] [L=171799]reasoning , argument , proof , influence , induction , deduction from circumstances |
[p= | 853,3] [L=171800]reason , ground , motive |
[p= | 853,3] [L=171801]suitableness , adaptedness , fitness , propriety , correctness |
[p= | 853,3] [L=171802]meditation on the supreme being , contemplation , union with the universal spirit |
[p= | 853,3] [L=171803](in law) enumeration of circumstances , specification of place and time |
[p= | 853,3] [L=171804](in |
[p= | 853,3] [L=171805](in |
[p= | 853,3] [L=171806](in |
[p= | 853,3] [L=171807](in gram.) connection of words , a sentence |
[p= | 854,1] [L=171808]connection of letters |
[p= | 854,1] [L=171809]supplying an ellipsis |
[p= | 854,1] [L=171810]mixture or alloying of metals |
[p= | 854,1] [L=171811]sum , total |
books.google.com Robert Svoboda - 1998 - 224 pages - Google eBook - Preview
The true meaning of Yoga is union with the divine, and an attitude of sincere request for divine assistance is the royal road to real Yoga. Yukti The word yukti is derived from the same root as the word Yoga. Yukti is defined in ...
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books.google.com S.R. Sudarshan - 2005 - 236 pages - Preview
It is distinguished from two other types of treatment, daiva- vyapasraya ( treatment by harnessing divine and occult influences) and sattvavajaya ( restraining the mind from unwholesome objects, psychotherapy) (CS, sutra, 11, 54 ) Yukti ...
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books.google.com Umeshchandraji - 1977 - Snippet view
In order to achieve divine, mystic power of Yoga, the mastery over certain important Mudras is essential. ... This will complete one turn of Paridhan Yukti Parichalan Mudra. Gradually increase the timing of inhalation, retention and ...
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books.google.com Puruṣottama Bilimoria - 1989 - 79 pages - Preview
... which might be called yukti or the integration of the human and divine. This could be interpreted as the theistic manifestation of intellectual concentration , where there is unification of the various different strands of yoga, ...
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books.google.com Jean Filliozat - 1991 - 484 pages - Preview
Chapter 31 SCIENCE AND YOGA* Today we tend to think that science is what ... exist several modes of the research of healing: — through prayers to a divinity — through magical formulae and acts — through yukti which signifies adjustment, ...
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books.google.com 1882 - 208 pages - Free Google eBook - Read
KT Telang translates the passage by "See my power divine." Ananda explains yoga by " His proper form ; a joyous and twofold nature." S'an- kara interprets yoga by yukti, conjunction (a sovereign union of soul with matter 1), ...
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books.google.com 1893 - 216 pages - Free Google eBook - Read
K T. Telang translates the passage by " See my power divine." Ananda explains yoga by "His proper form; a joyous and twofold ... yukti, conjunction (a sovereign union of soul with matter ?), showing the sovereign majesty of the Lord. ...
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books.google.com 1893 - 216 pages - Free Google eBook - Read
KT Telang translates the passage by " See my power divine." Ananda explains yoga by " His proper form ; a joyous and twofold nature." S'an- kara interprets yoga by yukti, conjunction (a sovereign union of soul with matter? ...
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books.google.com Camella Nair Ryt (Swami Nibhrtananda) - 2009 - 344 pages - Preview
We come back to our true nature that is balanced, giving and loving because it is a reflection of the Divine. Cryptomnesia is a word that describes hidden memories and in yoga the main obstacle to enlightenment is forgetfulness of what ...
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books.google.com Padma Sudhi - 1990 - 252 pages - Snippet view
The divine-order is further classified into eight heads. According to Vacaspati Misra, these are : Brahma, Prajdpatya, Aindra, Paitra, Gan- dharva, Yaksa, Raksas and Paisdca. The author of the Yukti-dipika (p.